2024-09-08 02:33:14 +00:00

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How to use this repo.

  1. Download this repo by holding the Win + X key at the same time on your keyboard and clicking Terminal.

  2. Install git with this command winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget

    • winget install: The base command to install a package using Winget.
    • --id Git.Git: Specifies the unique identifier for the package you want to install. Git.Git is the identifier for the Git software.
    • -e: Stands for --exact. This flag ensures an exact match for the package ID specified, avoiding ambiguity if there are multiple packages with similar names.
    • --source winget: Specifies the source repository from which to install the package. winget is the default source (the official Windows Package Manager repository).
  3. Paste this: cd "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads" ; git clone ; cd winget

    • Explanation:
      • cd "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads": Changes the current directory to the user's Downloads folder.
      • git clone Clones the repository from the specified URL into the Downloads folder.
      • cd winget: Changes the directory into the newly cloned repository folder named winget.