
60 lines
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2024-07-17 03:00:08 +00:00
extends CharacterBody2D
var win_size :Vector2
const START_SPEED : int = 500
const ACCEL : int = 50
var speed : int
var dir : Vector2
const MAX_Y_VECTOR : float = 0.6
@onready var ballCollisionSound = $"../ballCollisionSound"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
win_size = get_viewport_rect().size
func new_ball():
# Randomize start position and direction
position.x = win_size.x / 2
position.y = randi_range(200, win_size.y - 200)
dir = random_direction()
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame
func _physics_process(delta):
var collision = move_and_collide(dir * speed * delta)
var collider
if collision:
collider = collision.get_collider()
# if ball hits paddle
if collider == $"../Player" or collider == $"../CPU":
speed += ACCEL
dir = new_direction(collider)
# if the ball hits a wall
dir = dir.bounce(collision.get_normal())
func random_direction():
var new_dir := Vector2()
new_dir.x = [1, -1].pick_random()
new_dir.y = randf_range(-1, 1)
return new_dir.normalized()
func new_direction(collider):
var ball_y = position.y
var pad_y = collider.position.y
var dist = ball_y - pad_y
var new_dir := Vector2()
# flip the horizzintal direction
if dir.x > 0:
new_dir.x = -1
new_dir.x = 1
new_dir.y = (dist / (collider.p_height / 2)) * MAX_Y_VECTOR
return new_dir.normalized()